Course Promo
Introduction and history of Java
Architecture of Java, what is JRE, what is JVM & what is JDK
Downloading and Installing Eclipse and JDK
Assignment, Arithmetic and Modulos Operator
Prefix and Postfix Operators, Logical AND, OR Operators, Short Circuit Property of Logical Operators
Bitwise Operator, Comparison Operators, Ternary and Shift Operators
Exercise and Conclusion
Data Type and Variables
What are Data Type in Java, Discussion of 8 Data Type in Java
What is a Variable, How to create a Variable in Java
Storing sum of two numbers using Variable
Naming rules of a Variable, Discussion of Reserved Words
Writing Programs in Eclipse IDE
Structure of Java Program
Writing first program in Java, Priniting FavTutor using println statement, Writing code to add two variables in Eclipse
what is Comments and how to use them
Program to swap two variables using temporary variable and without using temporary variable
Taking input from the keyboard and if else statement
Taking input from the keyboard (Discussion of Scanner Class)
If statement and programs
If else statement and programs
If else if and else statement with programs
Switch Case Statements
Introduction to Switch Case, Difference between if else and switch case statement, break statement & Programs
Creating a Calculator using switch case statement, What is Type Casting and its use in Calculator Program
Important properties of switch case statement, Programs on switch case and conclusion
For loop
Introduction of loops, Types of Loops and For loop syntax
Discussion of for loop, start stop and update conditions of for loop & How to execute for loop correctly
Practice Programs
While and do while loop
Introduction of while loop, Syntax of while loop, for loop vs while loop & Programs
Do while loop introduction, Syntax and programs, Conclusion
Local Variables and Nested Loops
Scope and local Variable Concept
Nested loop Introduction & How to execute Nested for and while loop correctly
Pattern Printing Programs like Right Angeled Triangle, Solid Square Pattern, Hollow Square Pattern, Rectangle Pattern, Conclusion
Introduction of Array, Why we need Array & How to create an Array
Array and for loop, Two different ways to create an array, inputting data into array using for loop from the user, Printing an array using for loop
Programs on Array
What are Functions, Need of Functions, Divide and Conquer Strategy used by Functions, Syntax of Function
Properties of Functions, Function call, Program depiciting use of function
Return statement, How to use return statement inside a function & Programs
Object Oriented Programming
Understanding Object Oriented Programming & 4 Pillars of OOP
How to create an Object using new keyword, Program on Eclipse
Inheritance explanation, Extends keyword, Programs based on Inheritance Concept, 4 Access Specifiers (private, public, protected, default)
What is Polymorphism, Types of polymorphism, Function Overloading & Programs
Function Overriding & Programs on Function Overriding
Program that implements all the 4 pillars of OOP
Static keyword, Abstraction and Encapsulation
Static keyword, Static Variable & Static function
Abstraction, How to achieve Abstraction in Java using functions & Programs
Encapsulation, How to achieve Encapsulation using access specifier and function & Programs
Program on BankAccount that shows Inheritance, Abstraction and Encapsulation features & Constructor
Exception Handling
What is Error, Types of Error & What is Exception
Handling the exception using try and catch block, Error vs Exception & Programs on exception handling
throw and throws keyword, difference between throw and throws keyword, Programs, Finally block, Use of finally Block, Programs
Interface and Multi threading
Interface, When to use an Interface over a Class Interface vs Class & Programs on Interface, Multiple Inheritance
Thread, Advantgae of Thread, UniProcessor vs MultiProcessor Systems, Creation of Thread using Class and Interface, Programs using both approaches
Java Projects
Preview of Java Projects
Build a Student Database Application
Introduction and Structure of the program
Creating Class
Creating Main function in Class and adding information of the Student
Code to check whether a student is present in the database or not
Update existing information of student
Testing the full code and Conclusion
Code : Student Database Application
Build a Bank Account Application
Introduction and Structure of the Program
Setting up the Constructor of Account Class to set up common properties of Savings and Checking Account
Creating the 11 digit Account Number
Setting Interest Rate and implementing deposit, withdraw and transfer method
Reading CSV File and Conclusion
Code : Bank Account Application
Build a ATM Transaction Program
Introduction and Structure of the program
Creating Three Bank Accounts
Creating BankAccount Class and adding getter methods to it
Creating AtmMachine Class and creating methods to validate Debit Card Number and PIN entered by the user
Creating methods for depositing, withdrawing and check balance in AtmMachine Class
Creating Main Class and writing code to prompt user for a choice
Code : ATM Transaction Application
Build a Email Generation Application
Introduction and Structure of the Program
Writing code of the program(Setting Constructor, Generating Password)
Validating the password
Setting mail box capacity and alternate email id
Code : Email Generation
Build a GUI Calculator
Introduction and Structure of the Program
Creating Design of the Calculator like JButtons and Text Field
Writing Logic for the Calculator by Overriding action Performed Method
Code : GUI Calculator
Build a GUI Currency Converter
Introduction and Structure of the Program
Creating Buttons, Combo Box and Text field
Setting constraints like directions of text box, JButtons etc
Writing Logic for currecny converter by overriding action performed method
Test run and conclusion
Code : GUI Currency Converter
Build a Number Guessing Game using GUI
Introduction and Structure of the Program
Creating the GUI using SWING and AWT
Writing the logic by overriding action performed Method
Test run and conclusion
Code : GUI Number Guessing Game
Preview - Java Programming for Beginners
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